Well, not technically fall but it has been cooler at night. But school supplies.....our house abounds with their lovely smells. And school clothes. And backpacks. And the thought that the 20th is right around the corner.
Mr. Smooth hugged me this morning and thanked me numerous times. "Mom, thanks for letting us go to school." Really? Letting? Like they haven't been to school in the past 3 months. Short recap. Out of school April 1st when we moved into the new house and homeschooled the rest of the school year. Summer out in the country, no subdivision friends, away from school friends they had made in old school. Bored. Bored to death (not exactly dead but they get excited about a trip to Walgreens 1.5 miles away). Letting us go to school? Priceless.
They are still jacked about going to school again. Miss Mini-me, so excited to have "besties" to hang with. Mr. Smooth, can't wait to be teacher's fav (always is). Miss Itty Bit, already planning her birthday party with all the new friends she will have. Makes me feel peaceful to hear the excitement in their voices.
Kids looking forward to school, I'm looking forward to them being there. Consistency in schedule definitely helps them excel academics. No more when are we going to have friends. Choir concerts. PTA. Shallow reasons? Of course. No granola bar wrappers on the coffee table when I come home. Lower electric bill as 12 different electronics won't be running all day long. Less garbage bags to buy because kids aren't home during the day to fill them up. I know shallow.
When everyone is happy and at peace, priceless.
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