Thursday, August 1, 2013

Running on Fumes

Life is running faster than full speed this week.  Jason's working long hours.  I'm working long hours.  The kids....not sure what they are doing exactly but they are all still alive! Working long hours at being kids.  I'll go with that.

The Y hasn't gotten many visits from us this week.  Not sure where I would have fit that in.  Wait....I could cut back on sleep.  Who needs it, right??  An office gal told me I had bags under my eyes.  Can't cut back the sleep.  Actually, I think it was from the sheer amount of concern for a client.  I know, I know, not supposed to emotionally connect in my profession.  I'd have to be dead.  Really.  I can't help but feel compassion and empathy when they are struggling.  I can't help but be concerned and a bit anxious when their mental status has decompensated so much they end up on a mental hold in the ER.  Breaks my heart.

On a positive. Landed in court today with Mr. Dread Head for aggressive driving (read following to closely).  No..not the positive...wait for it....wait for it.....The prosecuting attorney was fabulous.  Great deal, great guy.  Doesn't hurt he thought I was Mr. Dread Head's sister (oh snap, there's the positive in case you missed it).  Guess the bags under the eyes must have been smaller today.  Mr. Prosecutor is now my new best friend.  I must find more friends like that.

A milestone.  Miss Mini-Me had her first babysitting job today, well, besides her bro and sis.  She is an amazing, talented, beautiful young lady.  Almost 13.  That milestone freaks me out a bit.  Throw in the head to toe legs and I think daddy is going to be a busy man.

Blessed.  My job is amazing.  I love what I do.  God knew psychology was my bag.  My colleagues are amazing.  It all fits like a glove.  My family is even more amazing.  Supportive, proud, right there to back me up and help out, unconditional love, even when I get distracted in the grocery store by the sale signs and take longer than I should have to get home.  You can't measure that kind of love in dollar amounts.  It's real.  

Full speed life....more than I could have ever asked for or hoped for.  Content.

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