Friday, August 16, 2013

Back-up Plan Better?

Back-up plan implemented.  In all reality, better than the original.  With the exception of having to shop for school supplies twice!

We bought our home thinking we were in one school district.  Not that we really cared at the time but still...So we find out a couple of months ago that we are actually in a different district.  One that well, is HORRIBLE!  In our eyes anyway.  I'm sure there are lots of happy students and parents in the district, so maybe just a horrible fit for us.  I digress.  Back to where I was.  When the final decision was made to allow the kids to go back to school some place other than home, we were wait listed at the charters.  Tiny, minuscule district 15 miles away seemed like a great fit.  That was the original plan.  From the first sentence in this post you can guess, minuscule district didn't work.

Most districts around here have open enrollment.  So you apply just like to a private or charter school.  So apps sent in.  Mr. Smooth got accepted, Mini-Me and Itty Bit, denied.  Back up plan implemented.  Kids were a little bummed at first.  Original plan only schooled four days a week.  But back-up plan has something even better going for it.  I graduated from there.  

Talk about a speedy school.  Original school, we waited and waited and had to make umpteen phone calls.  So nice every time we chatted but never returned my calls.  Never followed through.  Back-up plan school apps done in less than two hours, phone calls made and teachers assigned.  They are on the ball.  I knew they were fantastic, not just because I graduated from there.

I teach this everyday in my job - identifying options, creating back-up plans.  Making sure that your expectations can be met by utilizing all available resources.  Honestly, it feels like my expectations have been exceeded.  Not only are they in a quality district that is close but they are in a place that feels a bit like home to me.  A place that offers them a lot more than they could have hoped for.  One that is better than the original.  

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