I cannot tell you how much better my life feels when I have consistency. Yes, I have a job with a flexible schedule and it is rarely the same every week but today...my life got a bit more consistent. Ok, a lot.
Our three younger kids all finished their first day of school. It was a grand success. Yes, I know. Honeymoon period, always. But, even after the honeymoon period, I have a feeling that we have found our "school" home. No tears, no anxiety, no feeling out of place. Really, the best first day ever. Consistency. Lovin' this feeling.
Now that the kids are in school again, there is consistency in routine. Love this. The kids thrive in this. Mr. Smooth, functions on a whole new level with this. My life, even with my chaotic schedule, feels steady. Level. I've missed this. I didn't really realize just how much I've missed this.
I've always thought I was a spontaneous kind of gal. And in some ways, I think I still am. But in daily life, I'm a consistent kind of girl now. So weird how things change as you get older. Maybe it's the having kids part. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm older. Nah, I don't like the sound of that because I don't feel that. Wiser? Yes. Older? Only in body.
As we settle into this routine and get even more consistent in this whole crazy life thing, I'm pretty excited about the fact that workout time will be consistent. Bed time for the kids, on time. Dinner time, at a reasonable hour. The more I think of, the more excited about this I get. Best part of it all, everyone benefits. Definitely wiser.
Back-up plan implemented. In all reality, better than the original. With the exception of having to shop for school supplies twice!
We bought our home thinking we were in one school district. Not that we really cared at the time but still...So we find out a couple of months ago that we are actually in a different district. One that well, is HORRIBLE! In our eyes anyway. I'm sure there are lots of happy students and parents in the district, so maybe just a horrible fit for us. I digress. Back to where I was. When the final decision was made to allow the kids to go back to school some place other than home, we were wait listed at the charters. Tiny, minuscule district 15 miles away seemed like a great fit. That was the original plan. From the first sentence in this post you can guess, minuscule district didn't work.
Most districts around here have open enrollment. So you apply just like to a private or charter school. So apps sent in. Mr. Smooth got accepted, Mini-Me and Itty Bit, denied. Back up plan implemented. Kids were a little bummed at first. Original plan only schooled four days a week. But back-up plan has something even better going for it. I graduated from there.
Talk about a speedy school. Original school, we waited and waited and had to make umpteen phone calls. So nice every time we chatted but never returned my calls. Never followed through. Back-up plan school apps done in less than two hours, phone calls made and teachers assigned. They are on the ball. I knew they were fantastic, not just because I graduated from there.
I teach this everyday in my job - identifying options, creating back-up plans. Making sure that your expectations can be met by utilizing all available resources. Honestly, it feels like my expectations have been exceeded. Not only are they in a quality district that is close but they are in a place that feels a bit like home to me. A place that offers them a lot more than they could have hoped for. One that is better than the original.
So I already told everyone we joined the Y. I haven't been the yoga master for a couple of weeks. Just haven't felt it. I have a new title. Elliptical master. The Elliptical and I become one but in the end....I'm the master.
Tonight's workout...gonna feel it in the morning. I burned 617.4 calories. Stoked. I feel amazing. I worked my tail off. Not literally but I wish. But I did feel amazing. It became this very weird and crazy challenge and I was determined to be the winner, even though the Elliptical can't fight back. Light bulb. I was fighting against me. Old me. The one that creeps back in and decides that being healthy doesn't really matter to me.
It matters. I want to be the master of not just the Elliptical but of my body. Hardest thing I have ever done. But, I'm winning. Slow but sure. I always thought people were nuts that that were addicted to working out. I can see how easily that could happen after today's workout. I didn't want to stop. I wanted to keep seeing that calorie counter get higher and higher. If I would have had time, I would have went for 1K in cals.
Tomorrow is another day. My body and my mind/heart will be in a battle to the death. My mind and heart are going to win. Unhealthy body, see ya. Doubt me? You forget, I'm the Elliptical master.
The week that is. Well, the work week anyway. I'm glad the week isn't over. It's date night with my man. I so look forward to these times. It's been a while and I've missed him.
Jason works crazy hours in the summer. I work a lot. He's ready for bed by 8 as he gets up so early. Doesn't work for me. I'm more of a 12:30 kind of girl. My hour or two a day isn't enough. I like him too much for that. You could say, I'm infatuated. Still. After almost 19 years, he gives me butterflies.
Date night is so important. Another thing I used to feel guilty about. Not anymore. If Jason and I don't have a healthy, connected relationship, we can't be what our kids need us to be. We need this time without kiddo interruption because guess what, we were "us" before kids came along. Actually, not for long as Mr. Dread came along 9 months after we were married but......I digress.
I love spending time as just "us". We don't get to do it often but when we do, we do it well. We eat what we like and it doesn't usually have a stand in line and order and get your food feel. We only see non-kid movies if that's on the agenda. We hang out with other adults, have adult conversation, and go to adult places. It's five hours of bliss. Yes, we have long dates. Gotta when you don't get to do it often.
Don't get me wrong, we love our kids, more than life itself, but we need this time. And, you know what, I think lots of people need it but don't do it. I think couples would be happier, healthier, and more connected if they took time to just hang out as "us" instead of "the fam". If they could do it without guilt that is. Guilt ruins a lot of things. Especially the mood on a date! Not gonna happen to me tonight because I've missed him.
Talking about time. Mr. Dread head turned 18 on Sunday. As I looked through pictures to pull out and share with family and friends, I was transported to another time. My trip down memory lane was filled with so many emotions.
Jason and I were kids (18 is definitely a kid in my book. No wonder my parents freaked when Jason and I said we were getting married!) when baby made three. Didn't have a clue what we were doing. Weren't even sure how to be adults. But somehow, we made it. God's grace for sure.
We always told Mr. Dread we were so sorry that he was basically a guinea pig. We had never been parents so we were testing it out on him. He always said he didn't mind. But sometimes, I'm not so sure. We were pretty wobbly here and there. But somehow, we made it.
I almost lost my life bringing Mr. Dread into this world. I didn't want to die but my body was saying and doing other things. God's grace kept me here. Funny how you fight to live but if Mr. Dread needed it, I would gladly lay down my life for him. I love him that much. Ditto for dad.
We have held his hand through numerous skinned knees and bee stings. We have cheered him on while he raced BMX and rode bulls. We have been mesmerized by his amazing ability to create emotion and deep feeling with his music. We are continually amazed that God felt us worthy of such an amazing young man. The bond with our first born runs deeper each day as we experience the different phases of life together.
Mr. Dread, you are a blessing given to us by God's grace and you truly make us proud.
Well, not technically fall but it has been cooler at night. But school supplies.....our house abounds with their lovely smells. And school clothes. And backpacks. And the thought that the 20th is right around the corner.
Mr. Smooth hugged me this morning and thanked me numerous times. "Mom, thanks for letting us go to school." Really? Letting? Like they haven't been to school in the past 3 months. Short recap. Out of school April 1st when we moved into the new house and homeschooled the rest of the school year. Summer out in the country, no subdivision friends, away from school friends they had made in old school. Bored. Bored to death (not exactly dead but they get excited about a trip to Walgreens 1.5 miles away). Letting us go to school? Priceless.
They are still jacked about going to school again. Miss Mini-me, so excited to have "besties" to hang with. Mr. Smooth, can't wait to be teacher's fav (always is). Miss Itty Bit, already planning her birthday party with all the new friends she will have. Makes me feel peaceful to hear the excitement in their voices.
Kids looking forward to school, I'm looking forward to them being there. Consistency in schedule definitely helps them excel academics. No more when are we going to have friends. Choir concerts. PTA. Shallow reasons? Of course. No granola bar wrappers on the coffee table when I come home. Lower electric bill as 12 different electronics won't be running all day long. Less garbage bags to buy because kids aren't home during the day to fill them up. I know shallow.
When everyone is happy and at peace, priceless.
Life is running faster than full speed this week. Jason's working long hours. I'm working long hours. The kids....not sure what they are doing exactly but they are all still alive! Working long hours at being kids. I'll go with that.
The Y hasn't gotten many visits from us this week. Not sure where I would have fit that in. Wait....I could cut back on sleep. Who needs it, right?? An office gal told me I had bags under my eyes. Can't cut back the sleep. Actually, I think it was from the sheer amount of concern for a client. I know, I know, not supposed to emotionally connect in my profession. I'd have to be dead. Really. I can't help but feel compassion and empathy when they are struggling. I can't help but be concerned and a bit anxious when their mental status has decompensated so much they end up on a mental hold in the ER. Breaks my heart.
On a positive. Landed in court today with Mr. Dread Head for aggressive driving (read following to closely). No..not the positive...wait for it....wait for it.....The prosecuting attorney was fabulous. Great deal, great guy. Doesn't hurt he thought I was Mr. Dread Head's sister (oh snap, there's the positive in case you missed it). Guess the bags under the eyes must have been smaller today. Mr. Prosecutor is now my new best friend. I must find more friends like that.
A milestone. Miss Mini-Me had her first babysitting job today, well, besides her bro and sis. She is an amazing, talented, beautiful young lady. Almost 13. That milestone freaks me out a bit. Throw in the head to toe legs and I think daddy is going to be a busy man.
Blessed. My job is amazing. I love what I do. God knew psychology was my bag. My colleagues are amazing. It all fits like a glove. My family is even more amazing. Supportive, proud, right there to back me up and help out, unconditional love, even when I get distracted in the grocery store by the sale signs and take longer than I should have to get home. You can't measure that kind of love in dollar amounts. It's real.
Full speed life....more than I could have ever asked for or hoped for. Content.