Let me set the scene. Mexican restaurant, about 5 o'clock. Just me, Dorothy and Jason as the little kids were at Auntie's house. Jason sitting on one side, Dorothy and I on the other.
Is nothing sacred anymore??? Really. It wasn't like he didn't have a ring on or that his wife and kid weren't right there. What makes a person so bold and stupid, especially when the other person is clearly not reciprocating the attention? Dope. No self-esteem. Lack of self-respect. Complete lack of respect for others. Pretty sure it's all of them in her case.
What did I learn from showdown at Acapulco? We have to be vigilant in today's world to protect our relationships. Too many people in this world don't care about the consequences of their actions. Could care less about how their actions hurt others. They will blatantly attempt to ruin your life for their own pleasure. It's my job and my man's job to make sure that our relationship is strong. It falls on us to protect our family from the violators of this world. We are strong. We are one. We will not be shaken. Not today tweaker, not today!