...however, I don't always do change well. With the exception of recent change. For the past three years I have been a full-time working mama. I love my job and I love working in mental health. I have found my niche in the job market and have no plans of leaving it. Two more years to go until I earn my Masters in counseling. So back to change, the one that just happened.

.....The kids are my priority. When your kids get sick or have some kind of crazy health situation occur, you reassess your life and make changes. We did that and that's where change came in. I am still a working mama but I am no longer a full-time working mama, I'm a less than part-time kind of girl now. Wow, it was emotional transferring some of my clients but I know they are in good hands. I'm thankful for the company that I work for. They didn't have to keep me. They didn't have to let me retain my position. But, they did because they know my kids are my priority. They get it.

So what does that mean for us? Mom is home more. That's change that I can do. Dad doesn't have to cook dinner anymore. That's change that he is more than willing to do. Hanging out with family and meeting new friends. That's change that the kids are down for. Heck, that's change we are all down for.
Do I miss some aspects of my job? Absolutely. I like knowing the M.O. on every person that comes through our program so that I can better help the people I supervise. Now that my time is limited, I will just have to be more efficient in assimilating information. I got this. I will also miss daily pow wow time with the amazing clinicians in the office. I'll have to be more efficient in the hours that I am there. I got this too.
My job doesn't define me as a person but it is an important part of who I am. I used to feel guilty about this. Not anymore. I'm a better mom and wife when I am able to work, just ask my kids and my husband. I'm thankful and blessed and oh so grateful that I get to keep this part of who I am. But, I'm not gonna lie...My time at home has been fab and I am grateful for that too!